Each state has its own Department of Insurance, which means health insurance pricing, and regulations can vary based on a state’s current laws and economy. This means that some states are more flexible in terms of health plans than others. So before you begin searching for insurance policies, it’s best to know what the options and requirements are in your area.

Best Health Insurance in New Mexico

New Mexico has elected to use a State-based Marketplace that uses the federal platform (SBM-FP) for enrollment in qualified health plans (QHP). If you choose a qualified plan, you can enroll through HealthCare.Gov, or a private exchange like QA3 TEST SITE.

Qualified plans are compliant with the Affordable Care Act, which satisfies the ten Essential Health Benefits, a set of benefits that are guaranteed to cover specific healthcare costs without discriminating against age, gender, location, or lifestyle choices.

Non-qualified plans do not comply with the federal government’s health insurance requirements and do not cover maternity, mental health, substance abuse or pre-existing conditions. AHIX does not offer these plans in New Mexico.

Our New Mexico Health Insurance plans can help cover individual, family, and short term healthcare costs.

New Mexico Individual Health Insurance

New Mexico individual health insurance is a type of coverage you purchase if you are only covering yourself or your family. You can choose to get insurance coverage through a private exchange like QA3 TEST SITE, directly from the insurance company, HealthCare.gov, your employer, or a social insurance plan like Medicare or Medicaid. Under the new Medicaid Expansion, individuals under 65 years old who are up to 138% of the federal poverty level may qualify.

For ACA qualified plans, individuals can expect these average costs of premiums in New Mexico (Age 40, Zip code 87102):

  • Single Adult

    Single adult

  • Married Couple

    Married Couple


New Mexico Family Health Insurance

New Mexico family health insurance is ideal for families with at least one spouse and dependent. You can purchase qualified plans through QA3 TEST SITE. You can also get coverage from your employer. Medicare is intended for seniors 65 years and older, so these are not viable options for families. If you're family income is less than 138% of the 2020 federal poverty level ($42,338 for a family of 5), you may qualify for Medicaid.

Here are the average costs of qualified premiums for New Mexico families (Age 40) with children under 26 years old:

  • Health Maintenance Organization

    A married couple with one child

  • Health Maintenance Organization

    A married couple with two children

  • Health Maintenance Organization

    A married couple with three children


Find the Right New Mexico Health Insurance Plans Today

We have a wide range of private health insurance in New Mexico, designed for individuals and families. If you’re trying to stay within budget while finding the right New Mexico Health Insurance coverage, then you already know that it can be an overwhelming process. The good news is that QA3 TEST SITE can do the work of searching for the right plan for you. QA3 TEST SITE is an affordable exchange where you can browse for qualified and non-qualified plans so you can find the right coverage at the right price. Find your new policy today.